how to contribute

hifi art needs your support!

in our everlasting attempt to bring you the most updates and add the most content, we now allow money donations. if you want your money to go to a worthy cause and support the true san francisco art scene, please contribute.

if you own a business or want a mural done, have us arrange the artists so you can be guaranteed a fair-priced and exceptional piece of work in your hands or on your wall.

if you like this site and have your own web page, please link us. our banner can be downloaded here.
if you don't have a site of your own, a great way to help is to mention to everyone you know and visit us frequently.
learn how to make us your home page.

we are looking for dedicated digital graphic artists, knowledgeable staff writers (hip-hop/art/urban culture), and pro/am sf bay photographers.

because we are amazingly busy 24/7, please do not send us emails with one or two graffiti photos asking that they be added to the site. feel free to send us images, but do not expect that they will make the site.

if you have an original fairly large photo collection of graffiti photos from a particular area or certain artist/crew, we are interested in hooking up and checking them out.

we also want t-shirt, stickers, and postering hook-ups. if you know of someone to get us a great deal on t-shirt printing and sticker printing (preferably in the inner bay area), by all means tell us.
maybe you work at kinko's or another print-shop and can swindle some free print-outs!

if you have a web server we would love you to mirror our site. fast connection needed.

© copyright 1998 - 2000 hifi art